Gayathri Melnad

Stress Isn't the Cause

Stress Isn't the Cause

June 13, 2023

Gayathri Melnad

Human Psychology

Stress Isn't the Cause

If you still believe that stress is the cause of diseases, then let me correct you there.

It's like saying food is the cause of my obesity. It's not.

Stress is nothing but the way you react towards any demanding situation in your life, and the reactions are determined by the way you have cultured your mind through the previous experiences.

Stressful situations are quite inevitable in everyone's life, but the way we want to react towards the situation is completely under our own control.

You may choose to react either positively or negatively. Positive reactions may not always bring you positive rewards immediately, but consequences and the end result are definitely going to be positive, whereas negative reactions may bring you immediate reward of feeling good due to letting out of that stacked up energy.

But, the consequences and end results are not only damaging your health, but it is badly impacting on the rest of the areas of your life, like in your relationships or in the productivity at your workplace or you name it. It's going to leave a negative impression on your entire personality.

So before reacting, take a break and decide your choice of reaction.